Listen to HVR
Listen to HVR

Hacker Voice Radio

HVR is an online radio show set up as an vocal forum for all the UK hackers and phreaks to come together, work together and a place to share information. HVR is hosted by either Be|ia| or Naxxtor, frequent co-hosts are 10nix, _hyper_, Vesalius and Blue_Chimp - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9pm GMT. You can listen live by tuning into the stream at those times. We encourage all our listeners to join the IRC channel (#hvr on during the show to interact with your hosts.

Listen in live using the link above or catch up with the episodes you missed below or through our flash-based podcast player!

Creative Commons License
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 England & Wales License.

For all the old shows (before Season 5), check out the show archive!

The shows

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